??? 世界聾人歡慶!???
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The United Nations General Assembly has declared 23 September as International Day of Sign Languages. The resolution (A/C.3/72/L.36/Rev.1 – International Sign version here) was initially adopted by consensus during the 48th meeting of the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, 16 November 2017 and officially adopted today at the 72nd United Nations General Assembly.
The resolution was proposed, or sponsored, through the Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda to the United Nations, following an original request by the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD). The WFD worked with its country members to garner support from their respective Permanent Missions to the United Nations, who have the power at the United Nations General Assembly to vote for adoption of the resolution as co-sponsors. The resolution was co-sponsored by 97 United Nations Member States and adopted by consensus.
Ambassador Walton Webson of the Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda to the United Nations: ´This resolution is an important milestone in our international promise “to leave no one behind”. The acclimation of 23 September as the international day of sign languages is a significant step in the universalization of all communities to recognize the objectives set out in article 21 of the UNCRPD to meet our universal goal of inclusion. The Government of Antigua and Barbuda is pleased to be part of this international day that will focus the world’s attention on the principles of the UNCRPD in calling for equality, especially in terms of accessibility, that allows an individual freedom of choice, dignity and independence of self without discrimination.´
安地卡及巴布達常駐聯合國代表團沃爾頓韋森大使說:「這個決議是我們的國際承諾中的一個重要里程碑 ”不讓任何人被遺棄“。將9月23日定為國際手語日,是讓所有社會普遍認知到“聯合國身心障礙者權利公約”內的21個條約,是我們對於這個公約實現的普世化的重要一步。安地卡及巴布達政府很高興成為這個國際日的一部分,這個日子將把世界注意力集中在“聯合國身心障礙者權利公約”要求平等的原則上,特別是在無障礙方面,允許個人無歧視地自由選擇,獲得尊嚴和獨立自主。」
The choice of 23 September commemorates the date that the WFD was established in 1951. This day marks the birth of an advocacy organisation, which has as one of its main goals, the preservation of sign languages and deaf culture as pre-requisites to the realisation of the human rights of deaf people.
The first International Day of Sign Languages will be celebrated on 23 September 2018 as part of the International Week of the Deaf.
World Federation of the Deaf President Colin Allen: ‘This resolution recognizes the importance of sign language and services in sign language being available to deaf people as early in life as possible. It also emphasizes the principle of “nothing about us without us” in terms of working with Deaf Communities. With effect from year 2018, the WFD is overjoyed at the prospect of observing and celebrating this day annually.’
世界聾人聯盟主席Colin Allen表示:“這項決議已承認到手語的重要性並儘可能即時為聾人們提供手語的服務。它也強調了與聾人社區合作的“沒有 手語就沒有我們”的原則。從2018年開始,WFD歡喜的期待著在每年的這天,都能觀察到聾人權利的逐年進步。
資料來源: https://wfdeaf.org/news/un-23-sept-as-international-day-of-sign-languages/